TUESDAY, July 28

12:40 The Li Battery: From Its Origin to Enabling an Electric Economy
M. Stanley Whittingham, PhD, SUNY Distinguished Professor, Member, National Academy of Engineering, Director, NECCES EFRC at Binghamton, SUNY at Binghamton
50 years ago, a rechargeable battery achieving an energy density exceeding 100Wh/kg at room temperature was just a dream. Today, cells are exceeding 250Wh/kg. These cells have revolutionized electronic devices, have made EVs feasible, are dominating grid storage, and enabling renewable energy. Yet the components of these intercalation-based cells have not changed significantly since the 1990s, and the cells still do not exceed 25% of theoretical capacity. Some of the challenges that need to be addressed to doubling the energy density will be discussed.

1:05 An Unavoidable Challenge for Ni-Rich Positive Electrode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and Atmospheric Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie University
1:30 PLENARY KEYNOTE LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
1:45 Refresh Break - View our Virtual Exhibit Hall

12:15 The Fast-Changing World of Battery Applications
Bob Galyen, CTO, Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. (CATL)
Today’s advanced battery technologies have enabled a myriad of new applications unthought of only a few decades ago. Let’s take a walk through the world of applications to see how this has transpired and where it will take us into the future. The enabling doctrines of the GOLDEN RULES of electrification will also be reviewed.

12:40 The New NFPA 855 Standard for Installation of ESS
Celina Mikolajczak, Vice President, Battery Technology, Panasonic Energy of North America
1:05 PLENARY KEYNOTE LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
1:20 Refresh Break - View our Virtual Exhibit Hall

11:45 An Intrinsically Flexible Li-Ion Battery for Wearable Devices
Avetik Harutyunyan, PhD, Chief Scientist and Research Director, Materials Science, Honda Research Institute
We demonstrate bendable, twistable, and foldable Li-ion rechargeable pouch cell battery that approaches the ceiling of gravimetric energy density imposed by the lithium storage material. Mentioned performances become a possibility because of the elimination of metal current collectors, binders, and additives from the electrodes.
12:10 KEYNOTE PANEL DISCUSSION: Roadmap to 2030: Opportunities & Illusions
Moderator: Brian Barnett, PhD, President, Battery Perspectives
The prospects for lithium-ion are justifiably receiving major attention. Projected growth rates are impressive and numerous market drivers and trends (vehicle electrification, 5G, wearables, ESS, IoT, the cloud) reinforce the potential for even higher growth. Responding to the challenge, Li-ion technology has been steadily improving even as costs have been decreasing. Requirements for even higher energy are stimulating massive R&D efforts to bring next-generation materials to market. The roadmap to 2030 offers many opportunities, but not without major challenges. A panel of experts will discuss forecasts for 2030, providing insights about opportunities, challenges, barriers and key factors shaping the 2030 Roadmap.
1:05 Refresh Break to View our Virtual Exhibit Hall