Cambridge EnerTech’s

EnerTech Innovation Forum

Strategic Partnering for Innovation, Investment and Policy in Renewables

March 28, 2022


The EnerTech Innovation Forum is a key international gathering of the leading innovators, investors and executives discussing the latest technologies, challenges and opportunities within renewables. Adequate capitalization and cutting-edge advancements are critical components of the development of new technologies. This forum is designed for organizations interested developing partnerships on the path to commercialization and market expansion. In addition, presentations and panel discussions will provide insight into what investors and government funding agencies look for when developing partnerships. This is a unique opportunity to network and present to the complete innovation ecosystem, from principal scientists and manufacturers to public and private investors and executives. In addition to presentations and panel discussions, the forum is also designed to provide opportunities for one-on-one meetings that will allow for in-depth conversations and next steps.     


Coverage will include, but is not limited to:


  • Accelerating Technological Advances
  • Market-Ready Scalable Solutions
  • Venture Capital Funding Opportunities
  • Government Funding Overview
  • Analyzing Market Opportunities
  • Maximizing Return on Investment
  • Financing EV Technology
  • Regulatory & Policy Considerations


If you would like to submit a proposal to give a presentation at this meeting, please click here.


The deadline for priority consideration is September 20, 2021.


All proposals are subject to review by session chairpersons and/or the Scientific Advisory Committee to ensure the overall quality of the conference program. Additionally, as per Cambridge EnerTech policy, a select number of vendors and consultants who provide products and services will be offered opportunities for podium presentation slots based on a variety of Corporate Sponsorships.


For more details on the conference, please contact:

Craig Wohlers

Executive Director, Conferences

Cambridge EnerTech

Phone: (+1) 781-247-6260



For partnering and sponsorship information, please contact:

Sherry Johnson

Senior Business Development Manager

Phone: (+1) 781-972-1359
