Cambridge EnerTech’s

Battery Safety

Battery Safety Standards & Testing

MARCH 13 - 14, 2024

With the increasing availability of high energy density batteries in the market, there is a pressing need to continuously improve battery safety testing and regulations. The aim is to ensure that these new technologies function safely and can be used by consumers without any concerns. During this year's Battery Safety conference program, part of the International Battery Seminar, experts from regulatory agencies, associations, cell R&D engineers, and reliability engineers will gather to share their knowledge and insights. The focus will be on discussing important battery regulations and safety testing methodologies, keeping in step with the significant advancements in research and development. A key aspect of the conference will be the exploration of robust and dependable testing approaches tailored to the increasingly complex cell and pack designs. Special attention will be given to maintaining battery pack stability and implementing measures to prevent thermal runaway, thus enhancing overall battery safety.

Tuesday, March 12

- 4:45 pm Conference Tutorials8:30 am

Choose from 16 tutorials to maximize your networking and educational opportunities

Wednesday, March 13

Registration and Morning Coffee7:00 am


8:00 am

Organizer's Remarks

Victoria Mosolgo, Conference Producer, Cambridge EnerTech

8:10 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Eric Darcy, PhD, Battery Technical Discipline Lead, Power Systems, NASA Johnson Space Center

8:15 am

FinDreams Battery, a Subsidiary of BYD, and the Efforts to Make Battery Safe to Use

Ruidong Yang, Director, Battery Solutions Engineering of North America, BYD

8:45 am

Investigating the Ability of Plastic Current Collectors and Thermally Stable Separators to Isolate Internal Short

Eric Darcy, PhD, Battery Technical Discipline Lead, Power Systems, NASA Johnson Space Center

Cathode metallized polyester current collectors (PCC) show very consistent tolerance to nail penetration in 18650 and 21700 cell designs from one manufacturer. These designs achieve 233 Wh/kg (622 Wh/L) and 251 Wh/kg (684 Wh/L), respectively. In contrast, a 21700 achieving 272 Wh/kg and 724 Wh/L is consistently driven into TR with the same nail penetration test. Have we reached a specific energy limit for the PCCs?

9:15 am

Understanding of Stress‐Driven Internal Short Circuit Mechanisms in Lithium‐ion Batteries

Jun Xu, PhD, Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering, Spencer Lab, University of Delaware

The characteristics of internal short circuits (ISC) play a critical role in determining the thermal runaway behaviors and associated hazards of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, due to safety concerns and limitations in operando characterization at high state-of-charges (SoCs), our fundamental understanding of stress-driven ISCs is still lacking. In this study, we employ combined post-mortem characterization and multiphysics modeling to clarify the evolution of ISC modes in LIBs with high SOCs. Results discover novel phenomena for ISC and reveal the underlying mechanism.

Grand Opening Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing9:45 am


10:30 am

Triggering Thermal Runaway Using a Rapid Heating Approach

Dean D. MacNeil, PhD, Senior Research Officer, National Research Council Canada

Rapidly heating a single Li-ion cell into thermal runaway (sec to <5 min) has recently been adopted as a test methodology into battery safety standards for EVs. This talk will go through the theory of the approach and show examples using different cell geometries and designs, as well as test objects (modules to full vehicles) that demonstrate this new robust and versatile abuse test methodology with minimal invasiveness.

11:00 am

Experimental Quantification of Lithium Battery Fires

Chao-Yang Wang, PhD, William E. Diefenderfer Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

Lithium battery safety remains the first and foremost concern, especially in hot summers. In this talk we shall introduce a reproducible and quantitative method to measure the shorting current, intracell temperature rise, and ensuing fires/smokes. We discover that lithium metal battery fires occur over an ultrashort time scale of 1-5 seconds, making pack-level safety measures virtually in vain. We also find the fuel to ignite the fires is not the electrolyte but the lithium metal, questioning the basic tenet that solid state batteries without flammable liquid electrolytes but with lithium metal are actually safer. 

11:30 am

Performance and Safety of Commercial Sodium-Ion Cells

Judy Jeevarajan, PhD, Vice President and Executive Director, Electrochemical Safety Research Institute, UL Research Institutes

Commercial Na-ion cells were tested for performance and safety at ESRI. Performance tests included two different charge/discharge rates and three different temperatures. Safety tests included overcharge, overdischarge, external short circuits, and heating tests. The results of the research studies will be presented.

12:00 pm How Industry Collaborations Are Addressing E-Bike Battery Safety

Brian Morin, CEO, Soteria Battery Innovation Group

E-bike and e-mobility battery fires are on the rise in urban areas. Soteria and its Consortium are on a mission of using collaboration to identify best practices to eliminate the root cause of these events and use these best practices to educate the public. This presentation will highlight the results of battery pack tear downs, e-bike rider surveys, and will share a look at the best practices to improve safety.

Networking Luncheon12:30 pm

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing1:15 pm


1:45 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Judy Jeevarajan, PhD, Vice President and Executive Director, Electrochemical Safety Research Institute, UL Research Institutes

1:50 pm

Codes and Standards for Battery Safety

Michael O'Brian, CEO, Code Savvy Consultants and Fire Chief, Brighton Area Fire Department

This program will dive into the various changes affecting the built environment on batteries. From the proposed changes in the International Code Council Documents to the National Fire Protection Association.

2:20 pm

Trust, but Verify

Emily Klein, Senior Engineer, Element

Battery testing is important in the development and deployment of many of our devices, given the universal presence of batteries in modern life. Most people consider the features and quality of a product before purchasing it, but few are aware of the years of testing that happen before the product ever comes to market. Battery testing is a broad subject, but safety and reliability testing are two measures that are critical to evaluate a battery or battery pack.

2:50 pm

How Should First Responders Handle Damaged Batteries Post-Incident?

Jimmy DeChant, HazMat Specialist, Colorado Springs Fire Department

Comprehensive review and assistance for industry and regulatory agencies in developing a standardized approach to the appropriate containment and mitigation of Li-ion batteries. First responders need to understand the risk, proper handling, and disposal of these devices. Appropriate transportation regulations and standards for damaged Li-ion devices need to be developed for large devices that do not meet special DOT permits, i.e., EV and ESS systems that have been damaged.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing3:20 pm


3:50 pm

Chairperson's Remarks and the Presentation of the 2024 Shep Wolsky Battery Innovator Award

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech

3:55 pm

Panasonic Energy’s Innovation in Battery Technology and Manufacturing for Global Demand

Shoichiro Watanabe, PhD, CTO, Panasonic Energy

Panasonic Energy has been leading the development of battery industry with outstanding technology and manufacturing. To meet robust demand, we will continue to increase production capacity in North America and expand global partnerships, which will also contribute to CFP reduction and realization of sustainable society. This presentation will show the evolution of our battery business from the perspective of technology and manufacturing.

4:15 pm

Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy

Steve He, PhD, Manager, Cell Development, Tesla Motors

Batteries are core to Tesla -- we have been developing and integrating Li-ion batteries into our electric vehicles and energy storage products since the company’s inception. In the past decade, Tesla has grown from selling 22,477 vehicles in 2013 to a target of 1.8 million in 2023 and with it have seen similar concomitant growth in the broader battery industry. I will discuss the past, present, and future of our products and cell designs from the original Roadster to the Cybertruck, and our efforts to achieve our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. 

4:35 pm

Watching Electrolyte Move in Cylindrical Li-ion Cells and Why This Matters

Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and Atmospheric Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie University

Electrode material particles expand and contract during charge and discharge of Li-ion cells. This forces some electrolyte out of the electrode winding during charge and it must then "re-wet" the electrode winding during discharge. High resolution synchrotron X-ray CT allows images to be taken every minute. Captivating "movies" showing electrolyte motion will be shown. However, access to synchrotron CT may be difficult for many battery researchers. Instead a novel torsional oscillator (you can build this), you can measure the moment of inertia of the cell perpendicular to its long axis, and hence the electrolyte distribution, as the cell operates. The impact of electrolyte motion on cell lifetime will be discussed.

5:05 pm

Lithium Innovations Fueling Electrification

Job Rijssenbeek, PhD, Vice President of R&D, Energy Storage, Albemarle

The soaring demand for lithium largely stems from the increase in electric vehicle (EV) production to meet consumer demand and policies that address climate change, including The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Advanced performance, greater energy efficiency, and decarbonization are key drivers for the electrification of transportation. To meet decarbonization targets and advance EV technology and innovation, we need to develop, scale, manufacture and commercialize products that are not sold today – sometimes into application spaces that don't yet exist. Building robust regional supply chains and local innovation ecosystems will require collaboration across multiple levels. Critical mineral and advanced materials companies, automakers, cathode manufacturers and battery cell producers must work together to mine critical minerals responsibly, innovate, and advance battery storage technology.

Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing5:25 pm

Close of Day6:30 pm

Thursday, March 14

Registration Open7:00 am

Interactive Roundtable Discussions with Coffee & Pastries7:00 am

Roundtable discussions are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem-solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic.

TABLE 1: Battery Raw Materials Supply Chain
Moderator: Robert Privette, Manager, Business Development, Rechargeable Battery Materials North America, Umicore USA, Inc.

TABLE 2: Li-ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility
Moderator: Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

TABLE 3: Electrolyte Developments: New Components and Approaches
Moderator: Sam Jaffe, Vice President, Battery Solutions, E Source

TABLE 4: Battery Pack System Cost and Safety – Will Future xEV Battery Packs Increase in Complexity or Simplify and How Will Cost and Safety Be Impacted?
Moderator: Kevin Konecky, Vice President, Battery Systems Engineering, Ola Electric

TABLE 5: Innovations in Recycling Battery Materials & Second Life
Moderator: Steven Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC

TABLE 6: Opportunities and Barriers to Fast Charge in Automotive and Other Applications
Moderator: Brian Barnett, PhD, President, Battery Perspectives

TABLE 7: Transformational Energy Storage Solutions for Transportation – Land, Sea and Sky
Moderator: Halle Cheesman, PhD, Program Director, Advanced Research Program Agency, U.S. Department of Energy (ARPA-E)

TABLE 8: Safe, Scalable Lithium-Metal Battery Cells for Electric Vehicles
Moderator: Alexander Kosyakov, Co Founder & CEO, R&D, Natrion

TABLE 9: Solid-State Battery Program Update
Moderator: Denis Pasero, PhD, Manager, Product Commercialization, Ilika Technologies Ltd.

TABLE 10: Project Finance in the IRA Era
Moderator: Tom Schadewald, Director, Equity Capital Markets, Baird Investment Bank

TABLE 11: Battery Management Systems
Moderator: Sheldon Williamson, PhD, Professor & Canada Research Chair, Electrical & Computer & Software Engineering, University of Ontario Institute of Technology


7:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Peng Zhao, PhD, Associate Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace & Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee

8:00 am Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing Safety Assessment

William Sudah, Industrial Fire Safety Consultant, Honeywell Fire & Safety Systems, Honeywell

Take away concrete know-how about safety risks at each stage of the Lithium-ion battery manufacturing process, required codes/standards for every production area, including various approaches AHJs have implemented to prevent/minimize fire threats. Rounding out, learn about the four stages of battery failure, how to prevent a thermal runaway with proper advanced detection, and why conventional gas detection won’t prevent it. Leave equipped with best design/layout practices, and sequence of operation.

8:30 am

Deactivation of End-of-Life Batteries

Gordon H Waller, PhD, Materials Engineer, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

This talk details the risks associated with end-of -ife batteries and explores techniques for deactivating them when they reach the end of their useful life. Among these techniques, saltwater immersion shows promise, but it is hindered by slow deactivation and potential electrolyte release.

9:00 am

Lithium-ion Thermal Runaway—Experiments & Models for Detection and Consequences

Juliette Franqueville, PhD Candidate, The University of Texas at Austin

A summary of thermal runaway detection and consequence modeling from the UT Austin Fire Research Group. Failure detection has been performed using load cells, temperatures, gas sensors, and ultrasonic systems. Multiple models have been developed to understand the thermal runaway process and its consequences. Mathematical models are presented to predict cell thermal runaway and cell-to-cell runaway propagation. Reduced order models and computational fluid dynamics models are used to model gas release, fire, and explosion hazards. Multiple models span scales ranging from single cell to fire and explosion consequences on people and structures. 

9:30 am Managing Battery Safety Data

Howard Alt, CEO, Micantis

Explore the critical aspects of managing battery safety data. From design and manufacturing to usage and disposal, batteries present unique safety challenges. We discuss strategies and tools for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting safety data throughout the battery lifecycle. By effectively managing battery testing data, companies can enhance product safety, minimize risks, reduce costs and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.

9:45 am Enhancing Battery Cell Production with UV-Cured Coatings

Jacob Collison, Global Strategic Product Manager – Dielectric Solutions, PPG

The rapid growth of the electric vehicle (EV) industry demands innovative solutions to enhance battery performance, safety, and production efficiency. UV-cured dielectric coatings used in battery cell manufacturing provide several key advantages over the incumbent technologies. UV-cured dielectric coatings provide robust electrical insulation, enhanced lap shear strength, and ability to conform to unique geometries while enhancing overall battery safety. 

10:00 am Low Dew Point Solution for Lithium Battery Safety

Doug Burner, General Manager, DST AMERICA, INC.

When it comes to Li-Battery production, a temperature and humidity-controlled environment is critical. This not only ensures the safe production of the battery cells, but also ensures the machines and tooling equipment are operating at optimal levels. Desiccant dehumidification is critical for accomplishing this and DST will discuss the advantages and capabilities of these systems during this presentation. 

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:15 am


11:00 am

Mitigating Thermal Runaway Propagation for Pouch and Prismatic Cells with Multifunctional Foams

Chuanbo Yang, PhD, Senior Engineer Energy Storage, Energy Conversion & Storage Systems Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Battery pads, composed of polyurethane, silicone, or aerogel, have been reengineered to prevent thermal runaway propagation between battery cells. We assessed the performance of these multifunctional foam pads through nail penetration testing of small battery modules, constructed with NMC cells and featuring these pads placed between the cells. This study covers not only pouch cells, but also prismatic cells, aiming to provide a comprehensive evaluation of thermal runaway mitigation requirements.

11:30 am

Aerosol Emission during Li-ion Battery Thermal Runaway

Peng Zhao, PhD, Associate Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace & Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee

This work presents experimental data and analysis on the aerosol emission during Li-ion battery thermal runway. Both engine exhaust particle sizer (EPPS) and aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) are coupled with the accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) to sample particles ranging from 5.6 nm to 560 nm, and from 0.5 to 20 microns respectively. Multimodal distribution of particles has been observed to shed light on fire safety, as well as environmental and inhalation hazards of particle emissions during thermal runaway,

12:00 pm

Advancing Battery Pack Safety: Integrating Hot Particle Filters and Sensors into Venting Units

Michael Harenbrock, PhD, Principal Expert, Engineering Electric Mobility, MANN+HUMMEL GmbH

International regulations raise the bar for battery pack safety by mandating that passengers shall have at least 5 minutes for safe egress from vehicles—from first cell failure to battery fire. As hot particles play an important role in vent gas ignition, the presentation will show how effective hot particle filters can be designed and integrated into venting units, with additional early-warning gas sensors for enhanced pack safety management.

12:30 pm SafeCore - An internal Fuse to Help Prevent Thermal Runaway

Matthew Wang, PhD, Vice President, Technical Programs, Amionx

Amionx has successfully transferred its patented SafeCore technology to multiple manufacturers to enhance their cell safety performance.  In this presentation, we will discuss the challenges and successful outcome in scaling from our pilot line to a full production environment. SafeCore acts like an internal fuse to help prevent thermal runaway. The process to include SafeCore in manufacturing requires no special equipment or processes in a battery factory. 

12:45 pm Increasing Success and Safety: Applying Lean Methodologies to Battery Testing

Robert Laudisi, Applications/Mechanical Engineer, Associated Environmental Systems

Practicing and applying concepts in lean methodologies enhance the safety and efficiency of battery testing processes. This practice involves creating specialized scenarios for managing high-density testing in smaller batches, leading to increased safety measures and a reduction in the cost per testing channel. In certain applications, larger batch testing in safer environments may be necessary. We will guide you through the steps to take for a safer, more lean approach.

Close of Conference1:00 pm