Cambridge EnerTech’s

High-Performance Battery Manufacturing

Global Production of Safe, Efficient, Higher-Energy Density Batteries

MARCH 13 - 14, 2024

Advancements in manufacturing will be the catalyst for the growth of high-performance battery applications. The manufacturing conference will showcase a global perspective on battery production, bring together the global stakeholders that represent the complete value-chain, and showcase the latest innovations in Asia, Europe, and the United States. With presentations focusing on the latest approaches to assembly, automation, efficiency, inspection methods, and cost reduction, valuable insight will be gained into the entire global battery ecosystem. Conference attendees will gain a critical understanding of the state of manufacturing from around the world, and who is leading the way to the future of battery manufacturing.

Tuesday, March 12

- 4:45 pm Conference Tutorials8:30 am

Choose from 16 tutorials to maximize your networking and educational opportunities

Wednesday, March 13

Registration and Morning Coffee7:00 am


8:00 am

Organizer's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech

8:10 am Chairperson's Remarks

Michael Fetcenko

8:15 am Ultrasound Precision: Advancing Gigawatt-Scale Battery Grading, Defect Detection, and State-of-Health Analysis

Julian Bourne, Mr., VP, Sales and Business Development, Titan Advanced Energy Solutions

Titan Advanced Energy Solutions will demonstrate how ultrasound technology can dramatically advance battery inspection and grading at gigawatt-scale. Leveraging machine learning algorithms, Titan’s in-line, high-speed scanning system is the first to scan every cell in production at high-resolution, measuring SoH with 99.5% accuracy and inspecting for sub-250-micron manufacturing anomalies such as gas pockets, lithium-plating, inactive zones, underwetted regions, and non-uniformities from flawed formation or materials defects.  

8:30 am Redefining Energy Efficient Dehumidification for Giga Plants

Vijay Chaudhry, PhD, President, Bry-Air (Asia) Pvt. Ltd.

Bry-Air is your partner in humidity control from Rotor manufacturing to Dehumidifier  Selection, Design & Manufacturing. As we stand on the cusp of the next Era, Bry-Air continues to push boundaries, exploring new frontiers in humidity control. At the core of our advantage is the single rotor configuration, paired with novel materials. It is a revolution that propels us to be the most advanced low dew point dehumidifier in the world

8:45 am High Performance Battery and Advanced Manufacturing

Hongguang Shen, Senior R&D Engineer, R&D Dept., Zhuhai CosMX Power Battery Co.,Ltd

9:05 am

Preparation for the Near-Future: Market & Technical Planning of the Asian xEV LIB Manufacturers

Mark H. L. Lu, PhD, Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute

This presentation will provide an overview of the above cell-makers’ planning, especially covering both the technical comparison, market, and product segmentation to show the future development in Asian xEV LIB manufacturers.

9:25 am

Sustainable Cathode Production Technologies for the TWh Era

Yuan Gao, Independent Board Director, Nano One

The current mainstream cathode production processes contain a lot of inefficiencies. Not only the thermal energy utilized during the calcination step is wasteful, but also the need for cathode precursor (pCAM) in today’s mainstream cathode production can be wasteful too in terms of large water usage as well as large volume of by-product generation. While this has been OK during the past, it will not be sustainable once the lithium-ion battery industry enters the TWh era which will require multi-million ton cathode per year. In this presentation we will illustrate how Nano One’s technologies can help reduce these inefficiencies in cathode production which will make it more sustainable for the TWh era that is around the corner.

Grand Opening Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing9:45 am

10:30 am

Plasma-Printed Silicon Anodes

Gerrit Bockey, Research Associate, Battery Production Technology, RWTH Aachen University

Nanoloy’s proprietary plasma printing process achieves a carbon/metal/oxide-on-metal fusion. This process creates an extremely stable battery active material framework that is more corrosive resistant, more electrically conductive. Plasma printing will substantially delay battery degradation, resulting in longer lasting, faster charging, higher-capacity batteries with improved performance at higher voltage and temperatures. This is all achieved at a reduced cost compared to existing battery manufacturing processes.

11:00 am Redefining ESS with Next Generation Mr. Big & Mr. Giant

Ted Hoying, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, EVE Energy North America

With the characteristics of "Efficient, Simple and Safe", Mr. flagship series products can break the limitations of traditional energy storage technology, redefine ESS, and solve the problems of economy, complexity of operation and maintenance management, and safety of large-scale energy storage power plants.

11:30 am

Laser Ablation of Battery Electrodes for Improved Performance: Key Considerations for Advanced Manufacturing

Bertrand J. Tremolet de Villers, PhD, Research Scientist, Materials, Chemical, and Computational Science, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Ultrafast laser can be used to create micro-structures in battery electrodes that greatly improve wetting and high-rate charging. Our cost-analysis simulations using the "BatPac" model indicate adoption of ultrafast-laser electrode processing adding minimal cell costs, approximately $1.50/kWh. We present a detailed characterization of experimental laser ablation for common battery electrodes, enabling informed choices of laser parameters and accurate prediction of processing throughput.

12:00 pm Roll-to-Roll ALD Coatings for Battery Cell Interfaces

Andrew Cook, PhD, Application Manager, Beneq Oy

ALD is an enabling technology used to modify interface surfaces, which has been shown to improve battery performance.

12:15 pm Laser Welding Monitoring (LWM) Applied to Mass Production of Battery Modules

Marco Liberati, PhD, Technical Director, Mobility & Battery Solutions, Manz USA, Inc.

Monitoring the laser welding (LWM) process of cells in battery module manufacturing is critical to ensure the performance/cost savings/overall quality of mass production automation lines. We will show how this is achieved at Manz on our battery laser system, the BLS500. We will also present how the LWM data monitoring/analysis and representation through our smartPRODUCTIONKIT (sPK) provides the end customer with insights on how to keep the welding process in control.

Networking Luncheon12:30 pm

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing1:15 pm


1:45 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Bertrand J. Tremolet de Villers, PhD, Research Scientist, Materials, Chemical, and Computational Science, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

1:50 pm Review of Project Execution Models for Battery Materials and Cells Projects

Mark Bellino, Global Director, Battery Materials and Cells Manufacturing, Hatch

Current battery projects are facing many challenges with cost and schedule overruns, as well as quality/ramp up issues, and it is likely that much of these challenges may stem from the EPC approach, which is most popularly utilized at the moment. The challenges faced using the EPC model are unpacked and compared to alternative execution/project delivery models such as EPCM and CMAR. 

2:20 pm

Building a (Li-)Bridge: Revolutionizing the U.S. Battery Supply Chain

Christina Lampe-Onnerud, PhD, Founder and CEO, Cadenza Innovation

Li-Bridge, a public-private alliance convened by the U.S. DOE and managed by Argonne National Laboratory, outlined steps for the U.S. to double annual lithium battery revenues to $33 billion and provide 100,000 jobs by 2030. An industry-first battery collaboration, Li-Bridge delivered its action plan in the report, “Building a Robust and Resilient U.S. Lithium Battery Supply Chain,” which includes 26 recommended actions to bolster the domestic lithium battery industry.

2:50 pm Overcoming the Hurdles to Building Your Manufacturing Operation

Benton Blaine, Managing Director, Total Workplace - Site Selection, Cushman & Wakefield

Scott Watkins, Senior Vice President, Market Leader - Advanced Manufacturing, Clayco

This presentation will focus on which qualitative factors you should consider to ensure an ideal long-term location. Topics include weighing long-term locating decisions vs. high economic development incentives, realistic timelines for design/construction, assessment of sub-contractor networks, and integrated teaming to increase project efficiency. In addition, flexible supply chains that mitigate risk, reduce cost, and decrease installation time will be discussed.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing3:20 pm


3:50 pm

Chairperson's Remarks and the Presentation of the 2024 Shep Wolsky Battery Innovator Award

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech

3:55 pm

Panasonic Energy’s Innovation in Battery Technology and Manufacturing for Global Demand

Shoichiro Watanabe, PhD, CTO, Panasonic Energy

Panasonic Energy has been leading the development of battery industry with outstanding technology and manufacturing. To meet robust demand, we will continue to increase production capacity in North America and expand global partnerships, which will also contribute to CFP reduction and realization of sustainable society. This presentation will show the evolution of our battery business from the perspective of technology and manufacturing.

4:15 pm

Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy

Steve He, PhD, Manager, Cell Development, Tesla Motors

Batteries are core to Tesla -- we have been developing and integrating Li-ion batteries into our electric vehicles and energy storage products since the company’s inception. In the past decade, Tesla has grown from selling 22,477 vehicles in 2013 to a target of 1.8 million in 2023 and with it have seen similar concomitant growth in the broader battery industry. I will discuss the past, present, and future of our products and cell designs from the original Roadster to the Cybertruck, and our efforts to achieve our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. 

4:35 pm

Watching Electrolyte Move in Cylindrical Li-ion Cells and Why This Matters

Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and Atmospheric Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie University

Electrode material particles expand and contract during charge and discharge of Li-ion cells. This forces some electrolyte out of the electrode winding during charge and it must then "re-wet" the electrode winding during discharge. High resolution synchrotron X-ray CT allows images to be taken every minute. Captivating "movies" showing electrolyte motion will be shown. However, access to synchrotron CT may be difficult for many battery researchers. Instead a novel torsional oscillator (you can build this), you can measure the moment of inertia of the cell perpendicular to its long axis, and hence the electrolyte distribution, as the cell operates. The impact of electrolyte motion on cell lifetime will be discussed.

5:05 pm

Lithium Innovations Fueling Electrification

Job Rijssenbeek, PhD, Vice President of R&D, Energy Storage, Albemarle

The soaring demand for lithium largely stems from the increase in electric vehicle (EV) production to meet consumer demand and policies that address climate change, including The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Advanced performance, greater energy efficiency, and decarbonization are key drivers for the electrification of transportation. To meet decarbonization targets and advance EV technology and innovation, we need to develop, scale, manufacture and commercialize products that are not sold today – sometimes into application spaces that don't yet exist. Building robust regional supply chains and local innovation ecosystems will require collaboration across multiple levels. Critical mineral and advanced materials companies, automakers, cathode manufacturers and battery cell producers must work together to mine critical minerals responsibly, innovate, and advance battery storage technology.

Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing5:25 pm

Close of Day6:30 pm

Thursday, March 14

Registration Open7:00 am

Interactive Roundtable Discussions with Coffee & Pastries7:00 am

Roundtable discussions are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem-solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic.

TABLE 1: Battery Raw Materials Supply Chain
Moderator: Robert Privette, Manager, Business Development, Rechargeable Battery Materials North America, Umicore USA, Inc.

TABLE 2: Li-ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility
Moderator: Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

TABLE 3: Electrolyte Developments: New Components and Approaches
Moderator: Sam Jaffe, Vice President, Battery Solutions, E Source

TABLE 4: Battery Pack System Cost and Safety – Will Future xEV Battery Packs Increase in Complexity or Simplify and How Will Cost and Safety Be Impacted?
Moderator: Kevin Konecky, Vice President, Battery Systems Engineering, Ola Electric

TABLE 5: Innovations in Recycling Battery Materials & Second Life
Moderator: Steven Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC

TABLE 6: Opportunities and Barriers to Fast Charge in Automotive and Other Applications
Moderator: Brian Barnett, PhD, President, Battery Perspectives

TABLE 7: Transformational Energy Storage Solutions for Transportation – Land, Sea and Sky
Moderator: Halle Cheesman, PhD, Program Director, Advanced Research Program Agency, U.S. Department of Energy (ARPA-E)

TABLE 8: Safe, Scalable Lithium-Metal Battery Cells for Electric Vehicles
Moderator: Alexander Kosyakov, Co Founder & CEO, R&D, Natrion

TABLE 9: Solid-State Battery Program Update
Moderator: Denis Pasero, PhD, Manager, Product Commercialization, Ilika Technologies Ltd.

TABLE 10: Project Finance in the IRA Era
Moderator: Tom Schadewald, Director, Equity Capital Markets, Baird Investment Bank

TABLE 11: Battery Management Systems
Moderator: Sheldon Williamson, PhD, Professor & Canada Research Chair, Electrical & Computer & Software Engineering, University of Ontario Institute of Technology


7:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Yuan Gao, Independent Board Director, Nano One

8:00 am Gigafactory—How to Reach Faster Production Ramp-Up to Yield Target

Yiran Zhou, Process Engineer, Battery Cell Manufacturing, Metals, Hatch

Divyank Sood, Battery Cell Specialist, Hydrometallurgy, Metals, Hatch

Yield challenges during gigafactory production ramp-up are often costly and time-consuming to resolve, which poses a huge financial risk. Excellence in factory design and a robust system to integrate ISBL from technology providers help to address and mitigate the risks early.

8:30 am

Metal-Free Pumps for Contamination-Free, Accurate, Pulsation-Free Flow

Tom Evans, Market Development Manager, Netzsch Pumps North America LLC

The battery cell manufacturing process has multiple pumps performing the critical step of transferring complex fluids, from electrode slurry preparation, mixing to the anode, cathode coating systems. Coating slurries pose numerous pumping challenges, containing solids, abrasives, hazardous chemicals, high viscosities, and must have a smooth, pulse-free, laminar flow for a uniform coating layer, and free of contaminants. This session will review emerging pump technologies for battery cell manufacturing processes, to meet ever stricter standards and achieve optimum electrode quality.

8:50 am

How Turnkey Solutions Can Increase Productivity

Bjoern Stoll, CEO, Digatron

Overall, turnkey solutions offer a holistic approach to high-performance battery manufacturing, addressing various challenges from design to production. Their integration, optimization, and customization capabilities contribute to higher productivity, reduced costs, and improved efficiency in battery manufacturing facilities.

9:10 am

Solutions for Manufacturing of Thin Lithium Metal Anodes at Scale

Marina Yakovleva, Director, R&D and New Business Development, Arcadium Lithium

Industry needs to monetize on and scale up innovative and sustainable solutions that can improve battery performance, safety and manufacturing efficiency of the lithium metal anode. This is an important prerequisite for the development and commercialization of solid-state batteries and other battery systems using lithium metal anode. The core of Livent technology is LIOVIX®®, proprietary printable lithium formulation. The ability to print lithium metal anodes opens the pathway for the diverse ranges of anode’s width and thickness and allows cell manufacturers to easier change cell format to meet application requirements.

9:30 am Technical Challenges in Battery Pack Assembly Automation

Daniel Britton, National Sales Head – US Office, Sales, Cybernetik Inc

Battery pack assembly is a complex task requiring use of technologies such as precision automation, adhesive dispensing, clean-room and more, comprising of more than 50 stations handling more than 5 million data points every hour. Through our experience across multiple projects, we are sharing some of the technical challenges we faced, and how we can solve them. 

10:00 am Molicel’s X Series in Field & Ultra-High Power, Zero Cell-to-Cell Variance Production

Nan-Hung Lester Yeh, PhD, Research & Development Manager, Advanced Battery Technologies,, E-One Moli Energy CORP

Molicel is a high power cell development and manufacturing leading company, gives high performance and wide operation temp. LIBs to various high-end application fileds, power tool, EV-super car, eVotol and aerospace. High precision manufacturing process is a key to minimize the cell to cell variance "after" high power and low temperature cycling, which gives a new vision of the reliability of LIBs.

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:15 am

11:00 am Uncovering CryoFIB Applications for Characterizing Battery Materials

Ken Wu, PhD, Senior Product Specialist, Materials and Structural Analysis, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Electron microscopes and ion beam systems are essential tools in today’s materials science fields. The FIB-SEM harnesses the power of both electrons and ions by combining a focused ion beam (FIB) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) in a single instrument. This harmony of capabilities has many uses in materials characterization, however, ion-beam-induced heating can create difficulties in addressing sensitive compounds. Therefore, the use of cryogenic conditions (CryoFIB) can be applied. In this presentation, we will discuss CryoFIB techniques, advantages, and workflows.

11:30 am Enhanced Li-ion Battery Performance through Commercially Viable High-Performance Carbon Nanotubes

Michael Fetcenko, Chairman, CHASM Advanced Materials

The potential technical advantages of carbon nanotubes for many applications have been recognized, including for battery applications. Commercial application has been hindered by the practical obstacles of manufacturing process scaling at viable cost. CHASM Advanced Materials has developed a scalable, low cost manufacturing process which produces tunable and high purity CNT materials applicable for employment in Li-Ion batteries. CHASM’s unique approach to producing CNT materials will be presented, along with performance results and production status.

12:00 pm

Electrode Manufacturing: High-Performance Coater for High OEE

Hee-Yeon Ryu, PhD, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Hanwha Corp

Hanwha Corporation/Momentum, a Global Battery Manufacturing Equipment Provider, boasts a comprehensive suite of capabilities encompassing the entire battery manufacturing – from material to electrode, cell assembly, formation, and module/pack processes – and provides a full turnkey solution. This talk will provide an overview about Hanwha’s development of high efficiency coating machine and R&D project on dry electrode process.

12:30 pm Unlocking Silicon's Potential: Embracing Polymers beyond Carbon

Jeff Norris, CEO, Paraclete Energy, Inc.

Silicon anodes with elastomeric polymer matrices enhance lithium-ion battery performance, overcoming carbon matrix limits. The adaptable polymer matrix enables diverse electrochemical properties, supporting various applications. This approach allows cost-effective, flexible manufacturing with lower capital expenses than hazardous silane gas-based Si production. Polymer matrices unlock silicon's superior electrochemical potential, surpassing carbon, offering sustainability and efficiency.

12:45 pm Improving Quality Management in Cell Manufacturing with Ultrasound Inspection and Machine Learning

Clara Nyby, Sr Applied ML Scientist, Technology, Liminal Insights, Inc.

In this talk, we highlight the need for advanced inspection methods in cell manufacturing that deliver comprehensive information for 100% of cells produced to assess the true quality distribution and prevent quality escapes. We share how cell and pack manufacturers can achieve higher quality faster and cost effectively by utilizing Liminal’s in-line high-throughput primary inspection and high-resolution secondary inspection to identify and diagnose anomalous cells.

Close of Conference1:00 pm