Cambridge EnerTech’s

Advances in Automotive Battery Applications

Optimizing High-Performance Batteries for EVs

MARCH 13 - 14, 2024

With exploding global EV demand driving innovation that will accelerate R&D in advanced lithium batteries for automotive applications, this conference will address the critical issues in application-driven development, from design to systems, as barriers are overcome to bring products to market as well as improve the capabilities of existing products. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from the key players from around the globe on how they are finding success in conquering the challenges of commercialization.

Tuesday, March 12

- 4:45 pm Conference Tutorials8:30 am

Choose from 16 tutorials to maximize your networking and educational opportunities

Wednesday, March 13

Registration and Morning Coffee7:00 am


8:00 am

Organizer's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech

8:10 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Kevin Konecky, Vice President, Battery Systems Engineering, Ola Electric

8:15 am

EV Sales Review for 2023, the Expectations Going Forward, and Implications for Battery Demand

Viktor Irle, Co-Founder & Market Analyst, EV Volumes

This presentation will cover the EV Sales Review of 2023,  expectations going forward, and implications on battery demand, and will share the latest insights from collecting the facts in the EV industry. You will understand the best sellers, which countries and regions are doing the most for EV adoption, and what to expect in the future, both short term, and long term. These forecasts will also be translated into the battery demand.


8:45 am

A Thousand Cycles—Revisiting a Long-Standing Battery Technological Goal

Oliver Gross, MASc, SME Energy Storage and Conversion, Advanced Propulsion Technology, Stellantis

Battery life is a critical attribute that must be evaluated during the development of any electrochemical energy storage technology. A target of one thousand cycles has often been prescribed as a suitable technology target for batteries intended to be used in the automotive and mobility spaces. The target, however, has regularly been adopted into other applications or altered to accommodate specific technological nuances, leading to challenges of the suitability of this target. This presentation investigates the use and practicality of the performance target as a technological goal in the ground transportation application space.

9:15 am

Electrolyte Motion Induced Salt Inhomogeneity in Large- Format Lithium-Ions Cells – Implications for Cell Lifetime and Performance

Frederik Morgenstern, Senior Battery Technology Engineer, BMW Group

Johannes Wandt, PhD, Specialist, Battery Cell Technology, BMW Group

In 2023, the Dalhousie group demonstrated that expansion of active materials causes electrolyte flow in cylindrical cells upon cell cycling. We show that this electrolyte motion can cause severe inhomogeneity in the spatial distribution of conducting salt inside the jelly roll/stack. We discuss the influence of this electrolyte inhomogeneity on cell performance and lifetime. This novel mechanism -which we termed „electrolyte motion induced salt inhomogeneity” (EMSI) - is not restricted to cylindrical cells but can occur in all large format lithium-ions cells under high compression.

Grand Opening Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing9:45 am

10:30 am

Important Discoveries and Contributions toward Sustainable Batteries

Tobias Glossmann, Principal Systems Engineer, HV Battery Research and Test Lab, Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America

Discoveries are made in science and engineering every day, but usually it is difficult to see the potential impact on battery design and the industry. Commercial opportunities often arise a long time after the finding, due to missing pieces. This talk discusses some discoveries and contributions that could be important for more sustainable batteries and are worth highlighting.


11:00 am

FEATURED PRESENTATION: New Perspective on Anode-Free All-Solid-State Batteries

Shirley Meng, PhD, Professor, University of Chicago; Chief Scientist, Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science, Argonne National Laboratory

Anode-free strategy is gaining more interest in recent years, due to its manufacturing simplicity and potential for high-energy-density battery without safety compromise. However, the design constraints for anode-free batteries have been difficult to overcome. In this talk, I will give an update on our efforts to enable anode-free lithium-metal and anode-free sodium-metal batteries. We hope to discuss a few opportunities presented by such a strategy.

11:30 am

Status, Challenges, and Needs of Automotive Solid-State Batteries

Alvaro Masias, Supervisor, Cell Technology Research, Ford Motor Co.

Solid-state lithium-ion batteries hold great promise as a next-generation technology for automotive, but remain an unproven technology. A discussion of the status and unique challenges and needs presented by this solid-state lithium-ion battery technology will be presented and contrasted with liquid lithium-ion batteries.


12:00 pm Accelerating Scale-Up from Lab to Pilot to Full Production

Tal Sholklapper, PhD, CEO and Co-Founder, Voltaiq

Proving out your battery innovation in the lab is just the start of the journey—to have real impact, your technology needs to scale by several orders of magnitude. It’s a daunting challenge that can take years, with thousands of interconnected process parameters to fine-tune. In this talk, we’ll provide real examples of how companies are using Enterprise Battery Intelligence to accelerate through this transition and scale production faster.

Networking Luncheon12:30 pm

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing1:15 pm


1:45 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Dee Strand, PhD, CSO, R&D, Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.

1:50 pm

Battery Electrode Manufacturing Modeling

Erik Huemiller, PhD, Senior Researcher, R&D, General Motors

Battery electrode manufacturing prediction models can assess manufacturing process robustness and product design sensitivity, leading to process/design optimizations and innovations. The monitoring models can detect electrode defects and process faults. This talk will discuss a research initiative on developing battery electrode manufacturing models, i.e., machine learning and multi-physics models to predict electrode and intermediate properties, and to monitor processes to detect product defects and process faults.


2:20 pm

U.S. Department of Energy R&D to Enable High-Energy-Density Lithium-Metal Anode Batteries

Simon Thompson, PhD, Battery Technology Development Manager, Vehicle Technologies Office, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy

This presentation comprises an overview of the Vehicle Technologies Office portfolio of advanced battery R&D, with particular focus on lithium-metal battery R&D priorities and accomplishments in the context of meeting DOE targets for energy density, cycle life, and cost. It will also emphasize the importance of solid-state batteries to U.S. DOE strategy for increasing domestic lithium-based battery manufacturing and securing the U.S. position in next-generation battery innovation.

2:50 pm

Li-Ion 46mm Cylindrical Hard Case Cells Market 2024

Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

During 2023 the production of 46mm cylindrical li-ion cells started by many companies.  The Tesla tab less new design open the door to solve the thermal/safety problems that prevent having large cells in the market.  The new cells fit better high voltage battery pack applications like EV`s and ESS then 18650-21700 jelly roll cells.  The presentation will review advantages and limitations of the 46mm cells, their developers and manufacturers and the market effect.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing3:20 pm


3:50 pm

Chairperson's Remarks and the Presentation of the 2024 Shep Wolsky Battery Innovator Award

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech

3:55 pm

Panasonic Energy’s Innovation in Battery Technology and Manufacturing for Global Demand

Shoichiro Watanabe, PhD, CTO, Panasonic Energy

Panasonic Energy has been leading the development of battery industry with outstanding technology and manufacturing. To meet robust demand, we will continue to increase production capacity in North America and expand global partnerships, which will also contribute to CFP reduction and realization of sustainable society. This presentation will show the evolution of our battery business from the perspective of technology and manufacturing.

4:15 pm

Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy

Steve He, PhD, Manager, Cell Development, Tesla Motors

Batteries are core to Tesla -- we have been developing and integrating Li-ion batteries into our electric vehicles and energy storage products since the company’s inception. In the past decade, Tesla has grown from selling 22,477 vehicles in 2013 to a target of 1.8 million in 2023 and with it have seen similar concomitant growth in the broader battery industry. I will discuss the past, present, and future of our products and cell designs from the original Roadster to the Cybertruck, and our efforts to achieve our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. 

4:35 pm

Watching Electrolyte Move in Cylindrical Li-ion Cells and Why This Matters

Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and Atmospheric Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie University

Electrode material particles expand and contract during charge and discharge of Li-ion cells. This forces some electrolyte out of the electrode winding during charge and it must then "re-wet" the electrode winding during discharge. High resolution synchrotron X-ray CT allows images to be taken every minute. Captivating "movies" showing electrolyte motion will be shown. However, access to synchrotron CT may be difficult for many battery researchers. Instead a novel torsional oscillator (you can build this), you can measure the moment of inertia of the cell perpendicular to its long axis, and hence the electrolyte distribution, as the cell operates. The impact of electrolyte motion on cell lifetime will be discussed.

5:05 pm

Lithium Innovations Fueling Electrification

Job Rijssenbeek, PhD, Vice President of R&D, Energy Storage, Albemarle

The soaring demand for lithium largely stems from the increase in electric vehicle (EV) production to meet consumer demand and policies that address climate change, including The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Advanced performance, greater energy efficiency, and decarbonization are key drivers for the electrification of transportation. To meet decarbonization targets and advance EV technology and innovation, we need to develop, scale, manufacture and commercialize products that are not sold today – sometimes into application spaces that don't yet exist. Building robust regional supply chains and local innovation ecosystems will require collaboration across multiple levels. Critical mineral and advanced materials companies, automakers, cathode manufacturers and battery cell producers must work together to mine critical minerals responsibly, innovate, and advance battery storage technology.

Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing5:25 pm

Close of Day6:30 pm

Thursday, March 14

Registration Open7:00 am

Interactive Roundtable Discussions with Coffee & Pastries7:00 am

Roundtable discussions are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem-solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic.

TABLE 1: Battery Raw Materials Supply Chain
Moderator: Robert Privette, Manager, Business Development, Rechargeable Battery Materials North America, Umicore USA, Inc.

TABLE 2: Li-ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility
Moderator: Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

TABLE 3: Electrolyte Developments: New Components and Approaches
Moderator: Sam Jaffe, Vice President, Battery Solutions, E Source

TABLE 4: Battery Pack System Cost and Safety – Will Future xEV Battery Packs Increase in Complexity or Simplify and How Will Cost and Safety Be Impacted?
Moderator: Kevin Konecky, Vice President, Battery Systems Engineering, Ola Electric

TABLE 5: Innovations in Recycling Battery Materials & Second Life
Moderator: Steven Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC

TABLE 6: Opportunities and Barriers to Fast Charge in Automotive and Other Applications
Moderator: Brian Barnett, PhD, President, Battery Perspectives

TABLE 7: Transformational Energy Storage Solutions for Transportation – Land, Sea and Sky
Moderator: Halle Cheesman, PhD, Program Director, Advanced Research Program Agency, U.S. Department of Energy (ARPA-E)

TABLE 8: Safe, Scalable Lithium-Metal Battery Cells for Electric Vehicles
Moderator: Alexander Kosyakov, Co Founder & CEO, R&D, Natrion

TABLE 9: Solid-State Battery Program Update
Moderator: Denis Pasero, PhD, Manager, Product Commercialization, Ilika Technologies Ltd.

TABLE 10: Project Finance in the IRA Era
Moderator: Tom Schadewald, Director, Equity Capital Markets, Baird Investment Bank

TABLE 11: Battery Management Systems
Moderator: Sheldon Williamson, PhD, Professor & Canada Research Chair, Electrical & Computer & Software Engineering, University of Ontario Institute of Technology


7:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Jason Croy, PhD, Group Leader, Materials Research Group, Electrochemical Energy Storage, Argonne National Lab

8:00 am Shaping Tomorrow's Batteries: Advancements in Conductive Electrode Coatings

Hannah Reister, Application Engineer, Surface Treatment, Cleaners & Lubricants, Henkel

This presentation will discuss conductive electrode coatings with a focus on material selection, characterization, and resulting performance. Additionally, the key principles in coating quality, conductive particles, and the adhesive component will be outlined. Finally, the session will introduce Henkel's capabilities and their latest materials for conductive electrode coatings.

8:30 am

Wildcat U.S. Manufacturing Plans for Advanced Cathode Materials

Dee Strand, PhD, CSO, R&D, Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.

The intersection of Wildcat Discovery Technologies’ materials experience with the U.S. goal of a domestic supply chain provides a unique opportunity. We will describe Wildcat’s plan and progress to manufacture advanced cathode materials. Our product pipeline consists of materials that 1) provide a range of energy densities; 2) are free of cobalt and nickel; 3) show promising material safety performance; and 4) have synergies in manufacturing unit operations.

9:00 am

Replacing Graphite with Sila's Titan Silicon: Engineered to Optimize Performance and In-Market Today

Ernst van Nierop, PhD, Director of Strategy, Sila Nanotechnologies

Sila's Titan Silicon is engineered to optimize performance and in market today. We discuss how Sila's innovative drop-in-replacement Nano-Composite Silicon (NCS) anode powder enables up to 20% more energy density today over state-of-the-art lithium-ion cells with graphite, without compromise on other performance metrics. This material is shipping today and is ready to scale to meet larger demand and power EVs by the middle of this decade.

9:30 am Removing Restrictive Materials for a Sustainable, High Performance, and Cost-Effective Electrode Mass-Production

Nicolo Brambilla, Chief Technology Officer, Nanoramic Laboratories

Discover the impact of removing fluorinated binders and NMP solvent. Neocarbonix technology eliminates these materials from the battery, overcoming major blockers at each stage of its lifecycle, while leveraging conventional roll-to-roll coating equipment. This innovation streamlines manufacturing and recycling while enhancing the driving experience. Neocarbonix enables a 35% increase in energy density, a 27% cost reduction, and a 25% reduction in carbon footprint.

10:00 am Integrating 100% silicon anodes into EV cell architectures and roll-to-roll production at MWh scale

Robert Anstey, CEO and Founder, GDI

Many next generation anode materials sacrifice range for fast charging, or vice versa. Silicon is the only anode chemistry that can maximize range and fast charging, however is it difficult to integrate into cells at high%. GDI has overcome this. GDI has achieved MWh scale roll-to-roll manufacturing of 100% Silicon anodes. GDI has demonstrated 3rd party integration, without high compression/pressure or prelithiation, using existing multi-amp-hour cell manufacturing to enable EV adoption.  

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:15 am

11:00 am

Earth-Abundant Cathode-Active Materials: Research and Development Efforts at Argonne National Laboratory

Jason Croy, PhD, Group Leader, Materials Research Group, Electrochemical Energy Storage, Argonne National Lab

The Vehicle Technologies Office (US DoE) has recently established a consortium of six national laboratories to address the challenges of enabling sustainable cathode technologies. This consortium is focusing efforts across a wide range of materials and technology readiness levels. In this presentation, we will discuss ongoing efforts within the program aimed at the design, synthesis, and characterization of Mn-rich cathodes as alternative, next-generation materials.

11:30 am

Increasing Battery System Performance

Kevin Konecky, Vice President, Battery Systems Engineering, Ola Electric

Battery systems are complex systems with the battery cell as the core technology of the system, but then integrated with multiple subsystems, including mechanical, thermal, and battery management systems (BMS). This presentation will look into the different subsystems that contribute to the overall battery system performance and opportunities for improvement in next-generation battery systems. Battery system trends in the industry will be evaluated and discussed.

11:50 am

Enabling High Energy Batteries: The Unveiled Function and Properties of Battery Separators

John Zhang, PhD, CTO/CSO, Celgard

 I will focus on the TRUE definitions of battery separator properties, clarifies its historical misunderstanding of battery separator characterizations and its functions, as well as the newer separator contributions to modern battery safety and performances.  The battery separator innovation, production and application will be addressed. The battery separators, especially the CERAMIC coated separators, have redefined battery safety, enabled high energy density and long cycle life of lithium batteries (including claimed “Semi” Solid State Electrolyte Batteries).

12:10 pm

A New Generation of Energy Storage Systems with State-of-Charge (SOC) Active Balancing for Extended Service Life of up to 30 Years

Chris Mi, PhD, Fellow, IEEE & SAE; Distinguished Professor, San Diego State University

We will discuss a novel active balancing technology developed by San Diego State University and commercialized by ReShine to deploy renewable energy storage systems. The proposed technology can extend the battery life from the current 10-year life to 30 years, significantly improve safety, and reduce maintenance. The balancing technique is based on the state-of-charge, not voltage, since LFP batteries have a flat OCV curve.

12:30 pm Digital Twins for Battery Design and Test

Bob Zollo, Strategic Portfolio Planner / Solution Architect for Battery Testing, Automotive and Energy Solutions (AES), Keysight Technologies

When designing and validating new batteries, testing can be time-consuming, energy intensive, hazardous, and require expensive DUT and capital test assets. Using simulation and modeling, a digital twin of both the DUT and the test system provides virtual testing to shorten the time and expense of design verification. This presentation describes a software framework to achieve lower costs and faster design cycles.

12:45 pm Proven Reliability of TotalEnergies Immersion Cooling Technology in Application

Gérard Quoirin, PhD, TotalEnergies Lubrifiants S.A.

Immersion cooling is a technology that enables ultra-fast charging of lithium batteries and provides an unprecedented level of safety. Using fluids developed by TotalEnergies, we will demonstrate the maturity of this concept through concrete examples.

Close of Conference1:15 pm